Sun 25th May 2014
Great news: primary health care spending up!
The report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare that the Federal Government is spending more on primary care is very encouraging, said Dr Con Costa, president of the Doctors Reform Society.
Primary health care is central to better health, said Dr Costa, and rather than being concerned about the increase, we should be celebrating that new ways have been found to boost primary health care.
If there is a problem however, it is how it is spent. We need to encourage doctors to spend more time with patients, providing them with more integrated allied health services such as nurses, physiotherapists etc. We need to spend money promoting a team based approach to health care rather than leaving patients to negotiate their own way through multiple different health care providers.
This spending is sustainable if we look at spending more wisely. It will save money in the long term. The alternative being considered by the Federal Government is to make those who can afford it to pay more for visits. This could be Mr Abbott’s big new tax, the tax on illness.
Instead, to get those who can afford it to pay more for health, he could simply increase general taxes for the rich. That way, those unlucky enough to be sick are not punished for their luck. The burden is shared just like with any insurance.
Dr Con Costa Dr Tim Woodruff
President Vice President
Doctors Reform Society Ph 0401042619
Ph 0418400309